How To Talk To The Camera

For the past few years I’ve gotten paid to speak to audiences about a variety of different topics. In addition to that, I’ve created hundreds of videos both behind and in front of the camera. So I’d like to think that this qualifies me on HOW to talk to the camera, and if you feel like I don’t do a very good job of it, then you probably shouldn’t watch this video. But if you do and you’re still here, then I want to walk you through some of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they are talking on camera and how you can avoid those regardless of whether you’re a beginner at being on camera or even if you have years of experience.

When I first started talking on camera I was awkward. It was bad. And really boring. But the more I did it, the less I sucked, and the less you suck at something, the better you get at it to the point where someday you are actually good at it.


The goal of talking on camera is to replicate a normal human conversation. You wouldn’t think that such a hard thing to do but when you have the camera and microphone and all the lights and the pressure of saying the right thing stacked on top of the nerves and maybe you’re an introvert and this and that and all these things stacked on top of each other, it can be kind of intimidating. So let me show you the 10 biggest mistakes I see and how to fix those so that you look like a natural.

The 1st tip is to make Eye contact with the lens and break eye contact/look away every once in a while. This is especially true if you are reading from a teleprompter or a script. When you’re having a normal face-to-face conversation with someone, you want to look them in the eyes, but not to the point where it looks like you’re staring into their soul. Next time you have a face-to-face conversation with someone, notice how often they look away and how often you look away while you’re gathering your thoughts, thinking about something, recalling information, being distracted by something, and honestly just because it’s a habit. It’s what we do. It’s what we’ve done our whole lives. If you maintain eye contact 100% of the time in a conversation, it’s a bit creepy. So if I’m reading from a script or a teleprompter I will read ahead a bit and then look down or look up or look to the side every once in a while. So you want to make eye contact to make it feel personal, but you also want to look away every once in a while to make it look natural.

The 2nd tip is to Make it look like you’re gathering your thoughts, even if you are following a script. You can do this by having pauses at certain times or even repeating… or even repeating things. You see what I did there? So instead of saying something like “Outdated Marketing strategies is my enemy. It is taking too much of your money without giving you a phenomenal return on investment.” You could say “Outdated Marketing strategies… is my enemy. It is taking, too much of your money without giving you… a phenomenal return on your investment.” Again, it’s the same message, but one feels way more personal and conversational. One of the coolest magic tricks you can do is following a script without making it look like you’re following a script.

The 3rd tip is to use facial expressions. I would rather look at a face that’s not very attractive who is making interesting facial expressions than a beautiful face who is expressionless. That’s just how humans are! And this is one of the reasons why video is so much better than text or images, is that you can see someone’s facial expression which is a crucial form of non-verbal communication, something that is so important for tapping into emotions instead of just logic. Obviously you don’t want to take it too far, but showing interest, passion, wonder, fascination, confidence, thoughtfulness, empathy, determination, curiosity, or surprise, those expressions offer messages that you could never fully get through written text.

Going off of that and in the same vain as non verbal communication is to use hand movements. This helps you try to explain what you are saying and makes it easier to understand. Gestures like these emphasize certain words that you’re saying and convey feelings more clearly than just using words. Now, with this in mind try not to use the same hand movement again and again. Some of my favorite hand gestures is to list on my fingers if I’m going through a list, or if I’m explaining two different things have one hand to my right and one to my left to show the contrast. Having Open Palms shows honesty, openness, and sincerity. Pressing your fingertips together shows confidence and authority. Making a chopping gesture with the edge of the hand can emphasize a point that you’re really trying to make. Moving your hands in a circular motion can signify something ongoing, like a process, a system, or continuous improvement.

The 5th tip is to switch between inflections of excited and fast, to slow and important. Because whether you realize it or not, we do this in our daily life all the time. This can be done with the speed of your voice, but also with the volume and tone. If you’re speaking at the same tone and the same speed the whole time, it gets stale and kind of annoying. Again, this doesn’t have to be taken to the extreme, but just be conscious of your speed and tone and make sure to switch it up every once in a while.

The 6th tip is to Get in a comfortable position. Obviously you don’t want to slouch your shoulders or lean too far back into your seat, but it’s helpful having some back support, and sitting back just enough to where you’re comfortable. Sometimes you can cross your legs or lean forward onto a desk or table like I’m doing here, but I’ve just found that you sound more authentic when you are in a comfortable position.


The 7th tip is to Give 110%. The thing about videos is that you need to Make it feel a little bit over the top which will actually make it look more natural. You see, People are used to over-the-top YouTubers to keep their attention, so don’t worry about going a bit bigger than usual. Again, you don’t want to take this too far, but your audience is more likely to watch your video till the end if you are animated and over the top enough to make it entertaining. People are paying with their time to watch you, so make it worth it.

The 8th tip is to Practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll naturally become at it. Like anything, this skill is like a muscle and will get stronger and stronger the more you do it. It helps just to be mindful of how you are speaking during conversation. Notice what you’re good at and what you can improve on. Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself with your phone and watch it back. Doing this will always show you something you can improve on. You probably won’t become an expert at this overnight, and that’s totally ok.

The 9th tip is to act confident. You know, Fake it till you make it. Put your shoulders back, and realize that if YOU’RE speaking about a subject on camera, it’s probably because you’re either an expert on that subject, or you know more about it than most people. Use that as a foundation that you can build your confidence on top of. If you’re a lawyer and you’re talking about how you can best help your clients, you may not feel super confident being on camera, but geez you absolutely know what you’re talking about and you’ve done this a million times off camera. If you are speaking on camera, you are the authority, so just show it.


And finally, the 10th tip is to just be authentic. Honestly, people want to see you be yourself more than they want to see you pretend to be someone you’re not. I’m a pretty weird and quirky guy and I’m not afraid to show that side of myself on camera. Tom Hanks is someone who always just is authentic with any of his roles. Keanu Reeves is authentically himself, showing that he’s super humble and down to earth. Steve Irwin was authentically enthusiastic about how much he genuinely loved wildlife. Drew Barrymore always seems authentic and approachable. Gordon Ramsay is… Well he’s a lot of things. But he is most definitely authentic. The point is, don’t try to be someone that you’re not. Be yourself, be authentic, and your audience will recognize that.


If we get the chance to work together it is my job to help coach you on all of these things. And I have a pretty secret recipe that I use with clients that is like the secret sauce to being authentic but it’s kind of like a trade secret so I can’t share it on here. But if we end up getting the chance to work together I’ll tell you what it is. Its a game-changer for sure.


How To Grow An Audience from 0 Followers

I have a good friend named Eric who one day decided to shut down his Facebook ads and go all in posting videos on social media every single day. He didn’t know if it was going to work, but he was committed. 5 months later, his following skyrocketed. His business exploded. He completely replaced his ad spend with organic traffic from social media and his income was higher than ever.


I have a similar story. Last year I created an instagram page about something I was passionate about and started posting a video on that page every single day. In 4 months it grew to 34,000 followers. That’s on top of another instagram page that I built that has 13,000 followers, a Facebook page with 11,000 followers, another one with 16,000 followers, a YouTube channel with 3,000 subscribers, another one with 9,000 subscribers, and this one that currently has 15,000 subscribers. And that’s not to mention the clients that I’ve worked with that I have helped gain thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of followers and subscribers. So I think that qualifies me to be able to talk a little bit about this.

So how do you do it? Well, the fastest way to grow on social media is what I call “consistent quality content”. Consistently posting valuable content is the key. Let’s break that down a little bit. Consistency means that you are posting at least a few times a week, either every other day or every day if you can. And once your system is built out, you can even explore posting multiple times a day on certain platforms. But that’s just half of the equation. The other half is making sure your videos are offering value. This value can be entertainment, stories, education, or free information that can help someone. You can do this by making a list of the most common questions you get asked and making videos about those, or see what value other people in your niche are offering but make it even better yourself, you can talk about trending topics related to your industry or show client wins. Give information that people should be paying for for free, and people will flock to the value you are offering. Basically ask yourself the question “Why should this person listen to me?” And “Why is this worth their time?” Because when someone is watching your video, they may not being paying money for it, but they are paying with their time. When you can answer each of those questions with the content you make, your audience will want to reciprocate something in return. Reciprocity is giving someone so much value that they subconsciously feel obligated to give something back to you in return. I try to make my free stuff better than other people’s paid stuff, because every product or service that I’ve purchased gave me so much free value before I bought, that I thought “If I am getting so much value already and I haven’t even paid anything, imagine how much value I’m going to get when I actually pay for something.” And I’ve noticed every time that the best products and services are built this way. I’ve been blown away by the free value, but I was absolutely floored by the paid value.

So remember, post consistent quality content. This is a long game. And just like any investment, it compounds over time. The biggest investments you can make usually won’t give you an immediate return, and in fact they usually start out at a loss. So most people avoid those investments which makes it so that they never get to see big returns. Posting quality videos consistently on social media is one of those things that takes patience… but its so worth it. Because when you start, your main objective will be lead nurturing and just offering immense amounts of value to the leads you already have. But once the algorithm picks up on that, it will start pushing your videos to even more people and then you can introduce the secondary objective which is to generate more leads. And then it just turns into a compounding machine where you’re getting tons of new leads and warming them up while also getting more leads and warming them up, making it bigger and bigger and that’s when your business will experience exponential growth, and where you may even get to a point where you may not even have to run any ads anymore because of how much traction you’ve gained from social media.

And as a little bonus/side note with this, once you have enough videos out there, some of them are going to take off, which will not only let you know what people are finding to be the most valuable, but you can then take those same videos, tweak them a bit or make more videos talking about the same thing and then you’re almost guaranteed that those videos will take off as well, not to mention using those same topics for other areas of your marketing like emails, ads, and so on.

Notice how I don’t talk about what stocks to invest in or how to flip houses. I’m not an expert on those things, so I don’t talk about them. I talk about video marketing because that’s what I know better than anything else. I have seen it work over and over and over again, and trust me, I was once skeptical as maybe you are right now. But I had to sell myself on the idea that it works because that’s what all the data points to. It’s also kind of tricky because even though you may see immediate results with it, video marketing compounds over time and the most growth will happen after your first 6 months of doing it, but I just told myself that I have to trust the process, and it has since worked every single time.

The best way to grow is doing something a lot of times for a long period of time, and you’ll get better. If you suck at it today, you will suck less tomorrow. And eventually, one day you will look up and you’ll suck so little that you will actually be good. And then people will ask you “how did you become an overnight success?”


If you’re curious about how to make quality content, what to make videos about, how to script your videos, how to get people to keep watching, how to stand out, and how to maximize growth on social media, this is where I come in. As part of the video packages that I offer lawyers and businesses, I will actually do all the setup, filming, takedown, editing, and posting on social media for you. I will help you come up with the best topics to talk about and use expert marketing and sales techniques to help you grow the fastest so that you can see that return on investment even sooner. You can find more info on that in the description below, so check that out if you’re interested in seeing if we’d be a good fit working together. And if not, I’m fine just making free content like this and giving you as much value as possible.

5 Videos Every Successful Business Needs In 2024

If you’re a business owner and you want to stop relying on outdated marketing strategies like word of mouth and referrals, or if you have trouble getting your leads to buy from you, I want to walk you through the 5 videos that your business needs in order to solve these problems. Each type of video that I’m going to teach you is like a specialized weapon in your arsenal or tool in your shed to help you get more leads, warm them up to the idea of buying from you, build their trust in your company, and ultimately hire you or purchase your stuff.

The first video your business needs is a Brand Video. Brand videos are the best way for people who are seeing your business for the first time to get to know and understand who you are, what you do, and how you help. This is also an opportunity to tell your story and show your Unique Value Proposition (or what sets you apart from the competition). This can include things like: What motivated you to start your business? Why do clients or customers choose you? How satisfied are they with your product or service? A brand video really SHOWS your audience why you love helping others and what problems you can solve for them. Putting a brand video on your website is a massive way to improve SEO, because one of the biggest contributing factors of SEO is how much time a viewer spends on your website. Websites with video on them have a much higher time on site. Video, leads to more time on site, which leads to a higher SEO. A brand video should be the first thing someone sees when they go to your website, because it instantly makes them feel like they are connecting with you, a person. The more personable, the more they feel like they can connect to you, the more they’re able to trust you. The BEST way to build relationships and build trust is to talk to them face-to-face and get to know them. The second best way is through video. And because we can’t have thousands of face-to-face conversations every day, video is the most effective way to build relationships and gain trust when dealing with hundreds or thousands of leads. So it’s like the closest thing to cloning yourself. You only have to record it once, but people can still watch the video any time, any day, and feel that personal connection to you.

The second type of video your business needs are Testimonial/Review Videos. The best way your audience can learn to trust you is by hearing it from other people. It’s sad, but it’s true. There’s a common marketing stat that says that 9 out of 10 customers say they trust what other customers say about a business more than what the business itself says. And if you have google reviews or reviews on a website like trust pilot already, that’s a great start, but again, it’s so much more powerful when people have that personal connection to a speaking human with a face and a voice and emotion and facial expressions and tone, all of which you can’t get just reading words on a screen. Video captures emotions in a way that text will never be able to. The gratitude, relief, and satisfaction that your customers or clients show in these testimonial videos really resonate with people, giving them a sense of trust in you and in your company. And customers are not likely to buy your stuff without two crucial things: an emotional connection, and trust. And testimonial videos give them both.

The third type of video that can help scale your business is Short Form Social Media Videos. These are the types of videos that are posted as reels on Facebook and Instagram, and shorts on YouTube or even LinkedIn. These are videos that are typically around 60 seconds long and they help introduce, educate, inform, and showcase how your business runs. This brings in new, organic leads for free and provides value to them- which warms them up to the idea of working with you. And from that value, clients are more likely to hire you. Although having videos on social media is one way you can generate more leads, it’s main purpose is actually to nurture or warm up those leads. On average, it takes around 8 touch points before a customer buys something, even more if what you sell is really expensive. A touch point is a point of contact between a business and its customers. These could be emails sent, phone calls, face-to-face conversations, or in this example, social media videos watched. Alex Hormozi says that 78% of his customers only bought something after watching at least two pieces of his social media content. I mean it just makes sense! I bought a $15,000 coaching program, but when deciding if I really wanted to make that investment, I can’t even tell you how many videos I watched on their website and social media to really solidify my decision to buy.

The fourth type of videos that can transform your business are Educational Videos. Customers are much more likely to buy from you once they know, like, and trust you. What do Tony Robins, Alex Hormozi, Russell Brunson, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Grant Cardone all have in common? They have YouTube videos that offer free, value-packed educational videos that build trust with their audience, warming their viewers up to the idea of working with them. These are videos typically around 5 minutes in length that you can put on your YouTube channel, website, or dedicated landing page that your customers can watch through which will build their trust in your expertise and warm them up to the idea of buying from you. These can be FAQ videos answering some of your most asked questions, tutorials, walkthrough videos, meet the team videos, or even things like free trainings or online courses. And as a little life hack, you can chop up these videos, get the most valuable parts of them, and post those as short-form videos on social media.

The last type of video that can be absolutely instrumental in your success are Ad Videos. Paid ads are the way to add rocket fuel to your lead generation machine. And when done right, they work incredibly well. Once you tap into paid ads, it’s amazing how quickly your business can grow. They are the fastest way to get the most people to see what you offer, and when done right, they can get you more leads than any other method. Ad videos will funnel your future clients to your website or your landing page, where you can then show them your offer and all the other videos will take it from there. With paid ads on websites like Facebook you can target exactly who you want, and narrow it down to your target market, which is cool because that kind of technology has never existed before. In the past, if you wanted to do paid ads you would just have to throw your ads out in front of everyone and hope that people in your target market could see them. Now you can get as specific as you want, and make it so that people will now come to you, instead of you having to reach out to them. Remember that the goal of marking is to bring together buyers with the products or services that they are looking for, and paid ads make it so that your customers or clients can see your ad and then say, “oh, I was actually looking for that.”

Look, I am not very good at giving stock market advice or landscaping advice or manufacturing advice. But I am really good at video marketing, so that’s what I talk about, because it’s worked for me and for my clients, and because of that I think it could probably work for you too. If you don’t have a tremendous amount of time to do this on your own, then you need to compensate it for money so that someone else can do it for you. With that being said, if you’re looking for someone to do the heavy lifting and do all these videos for you, that’s where I come in. I run a video production company where I’ve created a signature quad-core, four-step method designed to create all of these videos for you with very little time and effort on your part, but where you get all the benefits. Contact me below if you want more information and to see if we’d be a good fit working together. Thanks for reading!